What happens after you have given up exercising for 14 weeks? This: I ran for the first time in over three months... and how disappointi...
Mom and Mike left last evening after visiting for four days. On Friday, Mom and I went to the Denver Nature and Science Museum to explore a...
I have always had, what Greg calls, a bionic sniffer. Being pregnant has multiplied this times 1000! It's rediculous. So far foods have ...

We made it! We are at 12 weeks today. We had our Nuchal Translucency screening and everything measured well. Heartbeat was 161 today...
That's our baby! We got to hear the heartbeat again yesterday. Such a great noise. Reality is starting to set in that WE are having a BA...
We have our second ultrasound today and I am incredibly nervous. Because I don't have "symptoms" and don't "feel...
About Me
My name is Kristen.
I'm a half Japanese (HAPA!) wife and SAHM.
I've got a husband who's my best friend, and we have two awesome kids. Cameron who's nine, and Colin who turned six in January. They are the coolest little people we know.
We enjoy living in Northern Colorado, by way of Northern California and the South Carolina low country.
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